Please join us on Tuesday, September 10, at 11:00 a.m. Eastern, as Jonathan Bennett, Principal of Unsprung Upholstery LLC, presents “Ins and Outs of Using Welt Cord.”
Jonathan will discuss the basics of: (1) various directions to cut welt strips, depending on the fabric and application; (2) how much yardage you can expect from a yard of fabric, depending on which direction you cut; (3) how wide to cut welt strips for various sizes of welt stuffing; (4) a demonstration of two ways to apply single welt on a cushion; (5) how to pattern-match on a cushion; and (6) various ways to close welt ends.
Monthly webinars are included with your WCAA Virtual Chapter membership. Can’t join us live? No problem! As a member, you can access this and previous webinars in our growing library. Our 2024 line-up has been a game-changer! To join us: Please note: To join WCAA Virtual, you must first be a member of WCAA National
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday and as always, if you need anything, please reach out.
Jennifer, Susan, Marie, and Jamie
WCAA Virtual Chapter Board