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February 22, 2025

What's Happening in the Library
Attention PRO Plus and PRO Access Members!

We are updating the Find A Pro feature and need everyone who wishes to be in the Find A Pro
section to go HERE and update their profile.  Once we have several members listed we can update it and release it. Please do this as soon as possible.  If you like, you can add one photo to your listing, so have it ready before you start.  Please reach out to info@csfrl.org with any questions.
February Circle Time with Kathy Geffen
Best Practices in Business Process Improvement When You Need Outside Expertise
is available to watch here.

We had a great discussion after Kathy helped us recognize where the problems are in our businesses and how to solve them.

Kathy Geffen is the owner of Kathy Geffen Design. As an owner/operator, Kathy recognizes the overwhelm that comes with running a personal business. She relies on strategic management tools from her 25 years in business consulting to improve business operations.
Kathy serves creative entrepreneurs who want to improve operational processes through her coaching services at Fine Tune Coaching.

Circle Time is an exclusive benefit of PRO Plus Membership. Circle Times are recorded and stored on the website for future viewing.

PRO Plus members received a registration email, if you don't see it, please check your spam folder or email Ceil @info@csfrl.org.


What's Happening in the Industry:

What We Are Talking About This Week:

Have you posted in the Forum?  Not sure how?
Here is a short video to show you how to add a new topic.

What went well for you this week?  Let us know here so we can cheer you on. (PRO)

Jessica shared her finished swag project here. (PRO & DIY)

Bethany is asking about wrought iron medallions here. (PRO)

Jennifer is asking about window seat cushions and foam size here. (PRO)

Connie is looking for some wording for Linen disclaimers here.  A few people have shared what they give to their clients. (PRO)

Jenny is looking to collaborate with other workrooms on projects coming into her workroom.  She explains more here. (PRO & DIY)

Holli is asking about arched turban swags with tails here. (PRO)

Welcome to our new members – Nohemi, Alexandra, Beverly, Anne, and Kathie .  Please go to the Forum and introduce yourselves here.

If you have purchased the Learn to Choose Window Coverings course, we have set up a private Forum for members.  Linda Erlam is the creator of the course and she is happy to answer questions here. (LTCWC PRO)

Are you getting notifications about posts in the Forum?  Here is a short video instructing you on how to get notifications about new posts.  If you have recently changed phones or are using a different browser, you may have to go in and update your preferences.

These are just some of the great conversations going on in the Forum

We would love to share your Instagram posts in the Drapery & Design Digital Digest!  Instagram changed how hashtags show and no longer sorts by date, making it difficult to find recent
posts. Instead, tag the Library – https://www.instagram.com/csf_resource_library/ and we will include your beautiful photos in the Digest.

Quotes I'm Thinking About This Week:
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."

Harriet Tubman

I'm not sure why this particular quote resonated with me today, perhaps because Ms. Tubman could be so positive at a time when she had few resources yet have such vision.  I found it inspiring this week.  I hope you do, too.

I hope you have a great week!  


When in doubt, go to the Library!

Always, always feel free to reply to this email. Your responses come directly to me and I read them all.

You are receiving this email because you're a Curtains & Soft Furnishings Resource Library member. If you'd like to stop
receiving these emails, you can Unsubscribe below.

If you want to continue to receive these emails, please add info@csfrl.org to your safe senders list.  We want to make sure you keep receiving the tips and techniques you need for your business.
